If you follow the news, you have been relieved lately

Here at the Shore, we have been inundated with prospective Buyers . . . and it’s a good thing. Now even REALTORS® who found themselves developing a great tan are scheduling home tours on a regular basis. But while being overwhelmed with Buyers may sound like a good thing, a REALTOR® can quickly turn into an unpaid tour guide if Buyers (and Sellers) are not educated about realistic home prices and the home buying process.
There are many kinds of prospective Buyers (first time buyers, investors, second home buyers, etc.) but they all have one thing in common: everyone wants the best possible deal. In order to get the best deal for a Buyer, a REALTOR® needs to know what the Buyer’s top requirements are (e.g.:3 bedrooms, 2 baths, porch, no more than 3 blocks to the beach, price range, conditions, pet requirements . . . the list goes on). This way the REALTOR® can select properties specifically geared to the Buyer’s needs. The REALTOR® will guide and educate a Buyer as needed about the area and the houses on the market, including days on

So make a list, be realistic, and above all PRIORITIZE! Together with your REALTOR®, eliminate and pare down all of the properties currently on the market based upon your price range and priorities. If at this time, there isn’t anythi

If nobody knows what you want, you risk missing out on the perfect property. Some Buyers prefer to be “free agents” and not work with a REALTOR® beyond a particular home they find on the Internet or a yard sign. They call the specific REALTOR® for one house and will only work with that REALTOR® on that particular house. When they find another house, they move to the next REALTOR® and do the same thing. Unfortunately, if you are not working with a REALTOR® who knows what you are looking for, when that next perfect property does “pop up” or has a price reduction, there will be nobody to notify you. So it pays to have a REALTOR® working just for you, keeping an eye out for the properties you are looking for.
Sellers want to

So sit down today and make a list of your priorities, ranking them