So 2010 began with a BANG and smart Buyers were out on the streets shopping for that great shore house that hadn't been scooped up yet. Even though some experts predicted that mortgage rates would climb back up, luckily the rates continued to hold around 5%. This coupled with the fact that increase rates that consumers can get on their money at bank continues to disappoint, Real Estate stands out as the best place to invest your money. The result for my clients were some well invested properties in Atlantic County!!!
I am happy to report my 15 closings over the past 3 months.
Please join me in sending out congratulations to the Buyers and Sellers I represented in the past few weeks in successful transactions:CONGRATULATIONS TO:
Steven K. on the purchase of his home in Margate
Jeff G. & Diane G on the sale of their home in Margate
Hien & Ken H. on the purchase of their condo in Atlantic City
Barry I. on the sale of his condo in Atlantic City
Bill & Susan K. on the purchase of their condo in Ventnor
Alex & Irene F. and Kristian and Annamarie C. on the purchase of their duplex in Ventnor
Cathy L. on the purchase of her condo in Egg Harbor Township
Steven & Meryl B. on the purchase of their home in Ventnor
Karen & Jim W. on the sale of their condo in Atlantic City
Paulette V., Carol H. & Virginia S. on the sale of their home in Mays Landing
Tom H. on the sale of his home in Mays Landing
Tom H. on the purchase of his home in Ventnor
Len & Nonna G. on the purchase of their home in Ventnor
Brian C. on the sale of his home in Egg Harbor Township
Debbi & Marty B. on the purchase of their home in Margate

Please be sure to check out my web site